Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History

The Confederate Flag Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag.Is the confederate flag a true symbol of â€Å"Heritage or Hate†? Many states in America’s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. The confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half, which was ever since thebeginning of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbol of hatred and are willing to get rid of it by taking it down. On the other hand,some people see this flag as a symbol of American history and want to keep this flag flying for heritage. The real question is who is right and why? On July 10th, 2015 the confederate flag was finally taken down, along with the pole it flew on.After one hundred and fifty-four years this flag will forever be gone. Many people were happy and glad to see the confederate flag go because it has lately been seen as a symbol of hate.On June 17th, there was a shooting massacre in Charleston, South Carolina that was related to the confederate flag. This was all the more reason to take down the flag and to keep people from egging on hatred toward African-American people. On July 8th, 2015 a debate was held to see if the people wanted the flag to stay flying or to be taken down. â€Å"By 6:30 p.m.,the chamber was engaged in an extended debate over a Pitts amendment that would remove the battle flag and substituteShow MoreRelatedThe Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History1352 Words   |  6 PagesThe Confederate Flag Is the confederate flag a true symbol of â€Å"Heritage or Hate†? Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag. Many states in America’s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. This confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half, which was ever since the start of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbolRead MoreHistory Of The Confederate Flag1455 Words   |  6 PagesChase Jones History of the confederate flag In the past couple of year, there has been a controversial battle over the flying of the Confederate Flag on government buildings. The controversy has really started to stir up in the southern states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia. On January 30, 2001, the state of Georgia changed its flag, removing the large Confederate battle cross from the 1956 design and replacing it with the state seal of Georgia. Now, the state of Mississippi isRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And The Civil War1508 Words   |  7 PagesThe Confederate Flag The Confederate Flag is the symbol for the Southern state in the Civil War. It is not just pieces of material. The flag represent families and where they came from. Flags have been a part of history since the beginning of time and the Confederate flag is a large part of the United States history. People need to learn what the flag has represented. The true meaning. Not what they think the flag has represented. Teaching the meaning of the Confederate flag needs to start in theRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And Its Controversy1335 Words   |  6 Pages In my paper I will be discussing the Confederate Flag and its controversy in history and in todays views. The Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek toRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : A Negative Symbol Of American Society Since The 1800 S1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek to answer in this essay is why the controversy of the Confederate flag only been brought back up recently andRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : Controversy Or Logical Solution?1717 Words   |  7 PagesThe Confederate Flag: Controversy or Logical Solution? The Confederate flag has been a topic of controversy in the United States for many years. It and other symbols of the Confederacy are parts of many state flags in the South and it is even flown at several state buildings throughout the South. To some the Confederate flag is a historical symbol and is believed to be a way of remembering the Civil War that almost tore the nation in two, but to others it represents fear and hatred due to its useRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And Its Racist857 Words   |  4 Pagesright now is the Confederate Flag and whether or not it s racist. 42 percent think the flag represent southern heritage and the other 42 percent think it s racist and should be taken down. 75 percent believe it s racist and only one in ten will agree that it is southern heritage. Depending on what region is asked about if it is racist, there are different answers. The Midwest say it is racist and the south, of course, say it s not racist. A poll showed that African Americans, D emocrats, and theRead MoreThe Confederate Flag, By Winston Churchill1598 Words   |  7 PagesAs Winston Churchill stated, â€Å"The flags of the Confederate States of America were very important and a matter of great pride to those citizens living in the confederacy. They are also a matter of great pride for their descendants as part of their heritage and history,† but in present day, the American people are claiming the meaning of the confederate flag is hate and discrimination. In South Carolina, the confederate flag was taken down and placed in a museum after a heated debate stemming fromRead MoreConfederate Flag : History Or Hate1688 Words   |  7 Pages The Confederate Flag: History or Hate The beginning of Confederate flag controversy started due to the request of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to remove the flag off the South Carolina statehouse. This request, based on the fact that the anti-flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag as one of hateful and discriminatory views. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently which considered themselves pro-flag groupsRead MoreConfederate Flag Is America s Swastika1512 Words   |  7 PagesConfederate Flag In The Hill, a top U.S. political magazine, in June 2015, Contributor H. A. Goodman wrote, â€Å"The Confederate flag is indeed America s swastika.† In the same way the Jewish community sees the swastika as a painful reminder of the Holocaust, the African-American community perceives the flag as a reminder of slavery and racial discrimination. The Confederate flag, a relic of the devastating Civil War, has become one of the most controversial and contentious icons in American history

Monday, December 16, 2019

Mt Cook Formation Free Essays

Mt Cook/Aoraki formation Vinoth Loganathan New Zealand is a country which ‘straddles’ between two tectonic plates; the indo-Australian and the Pacific. The location of the South Island is south of both Australia and South Africa; this is a major contributor to the geological process of weathering because it makes Mt. Cook subject to the westerly winds. We will write a custom essay sample on Mt Cook Formation or any similar topic only for you Order Now MT Cook is situated in the Southern Alps between the two tectonic plates mentioned above. Its current height is now stated at 3,753 meters making it the tallest mountain in Australasia. The mountain itself has been formed by three main geological processes; one internal: tectonic uplifting and 2 external: weathering and erosion. Internal: 1. Tectonic Uplifting Mt. Cook was formed by the internal process of orgenic tectonic uplifting, where two plates collide and one plate increases in elevation and the opposite plate decreases. However Mt. Cook formed differently compared to other mountains. This is due to both tectonic plates having landmass on the top and the plates meeting at different angles. The movement occurring here is grinding which pushes up land mass (Mt. Cook) and creates a transform fault. Present rate of uplift is 5-10 mm a year but this is easily countered by weathering and erosion. Evidence of this uplift is apparent on the mount on the south ridge specifically the Endeavour col fold where sand, mud and silt has been folded and fractures forming vertical beds of silt and sandstone. Overall the tectonic uplift of Mt. Cook over the past 2 to 3 million years could have been up to 20 kilometres but weathering and erosion have easily countered it. Westerly Winds External 1. Weathering Mt. Cook has been shaped by powerful forces of weathering. Mt Cook is subject to high amounts of weathering due to its height and location. Mt Cook is located south of Australia and South Africa making it the first significant barrier to the powerful westerly winds the ‘roaring forties’. Due to the wind Mt. Cook is subject to various different types of weathering such as freeze thaw weathering. When the wind reaches the Southern Alps the air rises and drops rain on Mt. Cook. When the water reaches the mountain it lands in a crack, it then freezes freezes and expands making the crack bigger. The process repeats and weathers the mountain. This process occurs all over the mountain rapidly due to often temperature change. This process also occurs a lot on the peaks on the mountain being the reason why the peaks are so ‘sharp’. 2. Erosion The wind and rain affecting Mt. Cook is a significant cause of erosion. Rain and wind both use gravity to essentially remove the ‘loose rock’ of the mountain. Rain does it by ‘washing’ it off and wind does it by ‘blowing’ it off. There is significant evidence that substantial erosion has occurred on Mt. Cook. This is located at the valleys of the Southern Alps. Large river beds made up of of ‘eroded scree’ and gravel. Also multiple glaciers such as the hooker glacier are carrying eroded debris matching the rock Mt. Cook is made up of. Weathering and erosion have contributed to the formation of Mount Cook by shaping it. The shape of Mt. Cook is wide at the bottom but skinny at the top this is because the higher you go the more weathering and erosion occurring. So in conclusion Mt. Cook has been formed by multiple geological processes and is continuing to be formed this present age. How to cite Mt Cook Formation, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Capital Maintenance for Price Smoothing - MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theCapital Maintenance for Price Smoothing. Answer: The history of the doctrine of capital maintenance can be traced from the year 1887. During this period a famous judgment had been ruled by the court in the famous case of Trevor v Whitworth. The case ruled that a company is not entitled to return the capital gained by it to its shareholder. The directors of in this case were alleged to distribute dividends in an unethical manner. The shareholders had the knowledge that the company had not made enough profit which could entitle them to dividends still they opted for dividends. The primary purpose of the doctrine was to provided security to the creditors of the company[1]. The doctrine provided that a company is not entitled to reduce its capital by providing financial assistance, issuing shares without just consideration and paying dividends without profit[2]. However as the doctrine was complex and did not allow the organizations to properly execute their functions it was modified numerous time until a nearly perfect doctrine was achieved which could not only save the interest of the creditors but also ensure smooth functioning of the businesses. Most of the common wealth countries have included the doctrine in either common law or statues enacted by the parliament towards governing corporations The doctrine of capital maintenance has been included in the Australian law but not without changes to it. The corporation act is the main source of law which governs corporations in Australia along with common law. The legislation however allows a company to reduce its shares in certain circumstances such as issue of bonus shares, dividends, and providing financial assistance. Bonus shares are allowed to be issued by the corporation act through Section 254 A. however the legislation provides that the bonus shares can only be provided when a company makes profits[3]. In the same way the legislation has provisions for the issue of dividends through Section 254T where dividends can also be issued when a company has made profits[4]. Section 588G of the Act prevents the directors of the company to involve in trading when the company is insolvent or even when the directors have the knowledge that the company would not become insolvent if it Indulges in the act. The legislations also provi de powers to minority shareholders to exercise their powers in the annual general meetings. The directors duties which have been given through Section 180-184 of the Act makes the directors accountable for their actions. Thus the doctrine is still operating in Australia subjected to changes. References Authority, Queensland Competition. "Financial Capital Maintenance and Price Smoothing: Information Paper." (2014). Bradbury, Michael E. "Capital maintenance in a contemporary context."Browser Download This Paper(2015). Corporation Act 2001 Islam, Md Saidul. "The Doctrine of Capital Maintenance and its Statutory Developments: An Analysis."Northern University Journal of Law4 (2015): 47-55.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Man Who Liked Slow Tomatoe Essay Example For Students

The Man Who Liked Slow Tomatoe Essay Symbolism in The Yellow WallpaperThe Yellow Wallpaper is overflowed with symbolism. Symbols are images that have a meaning beyond them selves in a short story, a symbol is a detail, a character, or an incident that has a meaning beyond its literal role in the narrative. Gilman uses symbols to tell her story of a womans mental state of being diminishes throughout the story. The following paragraphs tell just some of the symbols and how I interpreted them, they could be read in many different ways. The title itself, The Yellow Wallpaper, is symbolizing the role men play in a patriarchal society, where men are the more dominant sex, and how women are trapped; in a life of male control. For instance, At night in any kind of light, in twilight, candlelight, lamplight, and worst of all moonlight, it becomes bars!;(Gilman 211) This shows how the narrator feels trapped by the paper. Another symbol that refers to the role women play is, And she is all the time trying to climb through that pattern, it strangles so; I think that is why it has so many heads.;(Gilman 213) This is meaning that if a women tried to play a role in society she was just not taken seriously, or felt like trying to play a role was getting nowhere. We will write a custom essay on The Man Who Liked Slow Tomatoe specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The way Gilman describes the wallpaper tells of what the narrators mind is thinking, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide.;(Gillman 206) She doesnt think this on the conscious level but more on the unconscious level. When the narrator writes, (The designs) destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions.;(Gillman 206) She is speaking of her state of mind subconsciously, the narrator is on the brink of losing her mind at this point. Gillman writes, There is a recurrent spot where the pattern lolls like a broken neck and two bulbous eyes stare at you upside down. (Gillman 207) She was explaining how the wallpaper is like a watchdog; or a guard of some type, watching her every move, naturally making her nervous. I think that the narrator feels much alone in life, even though she has a family who cares for her. She is clinically depressed so naturally she is going to feel isolated from the world. Speaking about a house that the narrator grew up in, she writes, and there was one chair that always seemed like a strong friend.; (Gillman 208) The chair gave her a sense of companionship or maybe protection as the armrests and the back surrounded her. As she sits in the room for hours on end, her mind allows her to see herself as an acquaintance portrayed as a stranger trapped behind the design in the wallpaper. But int the places where it isnt faded and where the sun is just so-I can see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design.;(Gillman 213) Later in the story when her mind is slipping more she tries to help the women; get out from the entrapment of the wallpaper, for instance, As soon as it was moonlight and that poor thing began to crawl and shake the pattern, I got up and ran to help her.;(Gillman 214) The narrator says, I dont like to look out of the windows even-there are so many of these creeping women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wallpaper as I did?;(Gillman 215) She is saying that there are many women out there that feel trapped just as she did. Symbolism plays a soul part of The Yellow Wallpaper. Gillman gets her point across if the reader can catch what she is trying to say. Gillman put together a remarkable collection of symbols throughout her story. Some are easy to find and others I havent even found. The point to the story is that women could not play a role in society back then because society felt it was wrong, society wanted women in the household. .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb , .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .postImageUrl , .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb , .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:hover , .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:visited , .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:active { border:0!important; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:active , .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07ad0539c7c3118c377d598e50351beb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Homeless: What Has Been Done To Decrease The Problem? EssayGuth, Hans P., and Gadriele L. Rico Discovering Literature second edition (1997) 204-216. Text Book.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Financial Health of Target Corp.

Financial Health of Target Corp. Free Online Research Papers The corporation I chose to look at is Target Corporation. The company was founded in 1902 and is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This company is better known for its Target and Super Target retail stores across the U.S. which you can see from a good distance due to their very impressionable logo- a large red bull’s eye symbol. Target Corporation operates general merchandise and food discount stores in the United States. The company offers household essentials, including electronics, music, computer software, and toys; apparel and accessories, jewelry, and shoes; home furnishings and decor consisting of furniture, lighting, and kitchenware, as well as seasonal merchandise; and food and pet supplies primarily under Target and Super Target trademarks. It also sells its merchandise under private-label brands, including Archer Farms, Archer Farms Simply Balanced, Boots Barkley, Choxie, Circo, Durabuilt, Embark, Gilligan OMalley, Kaori, Market Pantry, Play Wonder, Room Essentials, Smith Hawken, Sutton and Dodge, Target Home, Xhilaration as well as many other well known brands. Target Corporation also operates in-store amenities, such as Target Cafe, Target Clinic, Target Pharmacy, and Target Photo, as well as leased or licensed departments, including Optical, Pizza Hut, Portrait Studio, and Starbucks. The company markets its products through its network of distribution centers as well as through its online shopping site, Target.com. As of June 2, 2010, it operated 1,740 stores in 49 states and the District of Columbia. Target Corporation also offers credit cards such as a Target Visa and the Target Card to qualified guests. Over the years Target has become the second largest retailer in the United States coming in just behind Wal-Mart. The company is rated number 28 on the Fortune 500 as of 2009. After reviewing the financial data for Target Corp., it is obvious as to why. Since Target and Super Target stores offer such a wide variety of merchandise it gives the company the upper leg so to speak when it comes to profits compared to a specialty store. Target stores offer not only the necessities such as food, toiletries and clothing at a discounted price but also non necessity â€Å"comfort items† such as household merchandise and jewelry so even when the economy takes a hit and customers aren’t spending as much, they will still come to the store for their necessities which will mean the company is still bringing in profit. The 2009 financial results in both of the business segments were affected by the challenging economy in which the company operated. In light of that environment, performance in the Retail Segment was remarkable, as the segment generated the highest EBIT in the Corporations history, in a year when comparable-store sales declined 2.5 percent. In the Credit Card Segment, disciplined management led to a 29.4 percent increase in segment profit in a year when Targets average investment in the portfolio declined about 32 percent, representing a near-doubling of segment pretax return on invested capital. The financial results for the second quarter of 2010 reflect better than expected earnings from both the Retail and Credit Card Segments. Performance in the Retail Segment reflects increased sales of 3.8 percent over the comparable prior year period due to the contribution from new stores and a 1.7 percent comparable-store increase. The company essentially maintained EBIT margin rates in the second quarter of 2010 compared to the prior year. In the Credit Card Segment, the company seems to have achieved a significant increase in profit primarily due to reduction in bad debt expense. This is extremely important for a company to do in any economy but considering they were able to do this in the current declining economy is a very good sign that they will surpass previous year’s numbers in the future. This shows that not only did Target Corp. do remarkably better than some of their competition but also beat their record breaking numbers of the previous year. In a declining market this is exceptional. Cash flow provided by operations was $1,828 million and $2,051 million for the six months ended July 31, 2010 and August 1, 2009, respectively. Target Corp. opened 3 new stores in the first half of 2010, all in the second quarter. In the first half of 2009, Target Corp. opened 50 new stores (37 stores net of 8 relocations and 5 closing), including 23 new stores in the second quarter of 2009. During the first half of 2010, they remodeled 211 stores under the current store remodel program, significantly more than the 15 stores they remodeled in the first half of 2009. The current outlook for Target Corp. is promising, following a recessionary year in 2009. After looking at the assessment it is evident that the inventories have increased relative to cash and marketable securities in the current asset section, and there has been a decrease in the company’s liabilities and debt. These developments were traced primarily to policies and financing needs related to new store openings. This is very promising news for the company because it means that they are selling the same if not more of their inventory, their costs are coming down and they are able to pay back their debt even with the economy the way it is and the opening of many new stores. (I have included Target Corp.’s financial statements at end of report) According to Target Corp. SEC report 10-K sales percentages, sales in household essentials has gone up from 22% to 23% from the previous year, sales in apparel and accessories has remained the same at 20%, sales in home furnishings and dà ©cor has gone down from 21% to 19% and sales in food and pet supplies has gone up from 15% to 16% from the previous year. This for the most part is very good news since the economy has been declining and reports show that Target Corp.’s sales have not been affected that much with many departments’ sales increasing. As with any company there is rivalry and competition. With Target Corp. being rated number 2 in the country in discount retail stores they have overcome a big feat already but there is a lot they need to do to stay at the top. In the case of Target Corp. competition is intense. A number of factors support this such as the presence of several businesses that operate in the retailing industry and targeting similar audiences. The main rivals of Target Corp. are Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Kmart Corp., Kroger, and Costco Wholesale Corp. All of these competitors produce similar products as well as offer some of the same services to consumers. In comparison to Target Corp.’s main competition, it shows that Target Corp is rated number 2 in Dividend Yield at 1.90% while Wal-Mart is rated number 1 at 2.20%. Statements also show that Target Corp. is also rated number 2 in Market Capitalization with $38.6 B with Wal-Mart ahead at number 1 with $194.6B and ahead of Costco Wholesale Corp. who i s at number 3 with $28.6B. This is a good sign because even though they are number 2 in rankings, Wal-mart is a much bigger company and yet Target Corp. has managed to come in number 2 in rankings with a $10 B lead in Market Capitalization on Costco Wholesale Corp. It seems that Target Corp. is doing well in comparison to its competitors with an upward trend in revenue, sales, earnings per share, net earnings as well as EBIT. Reports also show that Target has surpassed Wal-Mart in many areas. Target Corp.’s gross profit margin was 29.49% which exceeded Wal-Mart’s 24.78% in 2010. Target also maintained the same Earnings per share as their main rival Wal-Mart which was 8.95%. Every year regardless of the economy, Target Corp. continues to upward. To combat competition, Target Corp. has ventured in online-based actions using there own website, internet advertising, partnership and even merger and acquisition. From www.target.com as corporate domain in e-commerce, the corporation maintains a team called Target direct who owns and oversees the e-commerce initiatives. Using this as their official corporate website, the corporation’s current position to the online marketplace is comparatively competitive. Its performance specifically to the online marketing is high. As a result of the stiff competition among the retailers in the U.S., Target Corp. implemented several expansions of its store outlets and distribution centers to extend the corporation’s marketing. Partnership, merging and acquisition are among the strategic actions that the management is taking into practice to fight competition. This is a way to expand their market and distribution coverage. Among the partnership and cooperation engagements that they had are American Online on strategic alliance and Amazon.com in customer service. In June of 2000, AOL and Target Corp. rollout a marketing campaign and established the multi-year strategic alliance and joint marketing and promotion initiatives. This campaign featured a â€Å"special edition CD-ROM of the AOL service with co-branded features and packaging† being offered in more than 900 Target Corp. outlets nationwide. These CD-ROM’s are offered in Target stores still to this day. In addition, AOL members who use the service in any Target Corp. outlet is entitled to a 10% discount on products bought via target.com. Further more, target.com was made available in the shop@AOL online shopping destinations and other ar eas across AOL. Today, Target Corp. is highly competitive and striving to go along with its competitors regardless of external conditions like the world economy. The management of Target Corp. is continuously creating innovative marketing solutions that may be perfect in its online shopping operation. These innovations are always directed to satisfactory, convenient, and customer-oriented service. It is very important to constantly compare Target Corp. with its competitors as well as look at trend analysis to help determine how the company is doing now against competitors, how it has done in the past and to determine how the company may do in the future. The analysis of a variables past value changes to determine if a trend exists and, if so, what the trend indicates. A technical analyst may graph a stocks price throughout a period of time to determine whether a trend has been established. Analysts often attempt to determine if trends exist for a firms earnings per share. A steady increase in earning’s profit share could indicate that investors and consumers alike are still interested in the company whereas a decrease in the company’s earnings per share could mean a decrease in interested parties and a hint that they are interested somewhere else which could mean the company would have to change a few things to regain their interest. Summary of Target Corp. Current financial performance: Target Corp. makes great strides in remaining one of the top two discount retail stores in the country. Reports show Target Corp.’s revenue to continue in an upward trend regardless of the world’s economy. Reports also show sales increasing in an upward trend from year to year. Reports also show Target Corp.s cash ratio deteriorated from 2008 to 2009 but then improved from 2009 to 2010 not reaching 2008 level. This could be due to the deterioration in the economy and the surplus of new stores being opened around the country in 2009. There appears to be no major problem with the firm’s short-term liquidity position at the present time. Target Corp. has managed to reduce their long term debt since last year to even lower amounts than in 2008. Their Current Assets has increased since 2009 but has not quite reached the 2008 amount. There has also been a steady increase in Accounts payable over the past three years but they have managed to keep in a steady downward tr end in total liabilities. This means even though they are paying more out, they have managed to lower their debt and increase their current assets which could be to the increase in stores and increase in sales. In general Target Corp. seems to be a sound credit risk with attractive investment potential. The management of inventories, a continuation of effective cost controls, a continuation of marketable advertising by management and careful timing of further expansion will be critically important to the company’s future success. All in all Target Corp. seems to be showing great growth despite the declining economy and is predicted to continue to do so in the future. Below are financial highlights for Target Corp. Profitability Profit Margin: 4.09% Operating Margin: 7.52% Management Effectiveness Return on Assets: 7.12% Return on Equity: 18.23% Income Statement Revenue: 66.58B Revenue Per Share: 89.53 Qtrly Revenue Growth: 3.10% Gross Profit: 19.77B EBITDA: 7.09B Net Income Avl to Commom: 2.72B Diluted EPS: 3.64 Qtrly Earnings Growth: 14.30% Balance Sheet Total Cash: 1.56B Total Cash Per Share: 2.17 Total Debt: 16.62B Total Debt/Equity: 108.84 Current Ratio: 1.71 Book Value Per Share: 21.13 Cash Flow Statement Operating Cash Flow: 5.66B Levered Free Cash Flow: 4.12B Following is Target Corp. Balance Sheet for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 (collected from Yahoo! Finance) Period Ending Jan 30, 2010 Jan 31, 2009 Feb 2, 2008 Assets Current Assets Cash And Cash Equivalents 2,200,000 864,000 2,450,000 Short Term Investments Net Receivables 6,966,000 8,084,000 9,207,000 Inventory 7,179,000 6,705,000 6,780,000 Other Current Assets 2,079,000 1,835,000 469,000 Total Current Assets 18,424,000 17,488,000 18,906,000 Long Term Investments 163,000 215,000 Property Plant and Equipment 25,280,000 25,756,000 24,095,000 Goodwill 60,000 208,000 Intangible Assets 171,000 Accumulated Amortization Other Assets 829,000 862,000 1,136,000 Deferred Long Term Asset Charges Total Assets 44,533,000 44,106,000 44,560,000 Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 9,631,000 9,250,000 7,880,000 Short/Current Long Term Debt 796,000 1,262,000 1,964,000 Other Current Liabilities 900,000 1,938,000 Total Current Liabilities 11,327,000 10,512,000 11,782,000 Long Term Debt 15,118,000 17,490,000 15,126,000 Other Liabilities 1,906,000 1,937,000 1,389,000 Deferred Long Term Liability Charges 835,000 455,000 956,000 Minority Interest Negative Goodwill Total Liabilities 29,186,000 30,394,000 29,253,000 Stockholders Equity Misc Stocks Options Warrants Redeemable Preferred Stock Preferred Stock Common Stock 62,000 63,000 68,000 Retained Earnings 12,947,000 11,443,000 12,761,000 Treasury Stock Capital Surplus 2,919,000 2,762,000 2,656,000 Other Stockholder Equity (581,000) (556,000) (178,000) Total Stockholder Equity 15,347,000 13,712,000 15,307,000 Net Tangible Assets $15,347,000 $13,712,000 $15,099,000 Following is Target Corp. Income Statement for years 2008, 2009, 2010 View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands Period Ending Jan 30, 2010 Jan 31, 2009 Feb 2, 2008 Total Revenue 65,357,000 64,948,000 63,367,000 Cost of Revenue 45,583,000 45,766,000 41,895,000 Gross Profit 19,774,000 19,182,000 21,472,000 Operating Expenses Research Development Selling General and Administrative 13,078,000 12,954,000 14,541,000 Non Recurring Others 2,023,000 1,826,000 1,659,000 Total Operating Expenses Operating Income or Loss 4,673,000 4,402,000 5,272,000 Income from Continuing Operations Total Other Income/Expenses Net (94,000) (139,000) 22,000 Earnings Before Interest And Taxes 4,579,000 4,263,000 5,294,000 Interest Expense 707,000 727,000 669,000 Income Before Tax 3,872,000 3,536,000 4,625,000 Income Tax Expense 1,384,000 1,322,000 1,776,000 Minority Interest Net Income From Continuing Ops 2,488,000 2,214,000 2,849,000 Non-recurring Events Discontinued Operations Extraordinary Items Effect Of Accounting Changes Other Items Net Income 2,488,000 2,214,000 2,849,000 Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments References Target Corp. (2010). 2010 Summary Annual Report. Retrieved September 29, 2010, From http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=TGT Target Corp. Company Overview and Investor outlook. Retrieved September 29, 2010, From http://sites.target.com/site/en/company/page.jsp?contentId Fraser, L. M., Ormiston, A. (2007). Understanding financial statements (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Research Papers on Financial Health of Target Corp.Marketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Project Managment Office SystemGenetic EngineeringRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andDefinition of Export Quotas

Friday, November 22, 2019

Parietal Lobes Function and Brain Anatomy

Parietal Lobes Function and Brain Anatomy The parietal lobes are one of the four main lobes or regions of the cerebral cortex. The parietal lobes are positioned behind the frontal lobes and above the temporal lobes. These lobes are important to the function and processing of sensory information, understanding spatial orientation and body awareness. Location Directionally, the parietal lobes are superior to the occipital lobes and posterior to the central sulcus and frontal lobes. The central sulcus is the large deep groove or indentation that separates the parietal and frontal lobes. Function The parietal lobes are involved in a number of important functions in the body. One of the main functions is to receive and process sensory information from all over the body. The somatosensory cortex is found within the parietal lobes and is essential for processing touch sensations. For instance, the somatosensory cortex helps us to identify the location of a touch sensation and to discriminate between sensations such as temperature and pain. Neurons in the parietal lobes receive touch, visual and other sensory information from a part of the brain called the thalamus. The thalamus relays nerve signals and sensory information between the peripheral nervous system and the cerebral cortex. The parietal lobes process the information and help us to identify objects by touch. The parietal lobes work in concert with other areas of the brain,  such as the motor cortex and visual cortex, to perform certain tasks. Opening a door, combing your hair, and placing your lips and tongue in the proper position to speak all involve the parietal lobes. These lobes are also important for understanding spatial orientation and for proper navigation. Being able to identify the position, location and movement of the body and its parts is an important function of the parietal lobes. Parietal lobe functions include: CognitionInformation ProcessingTouch Sensation (Pain, Temperature, etc.)Understanding Spatial OrientationMovement CoordinationSpeechVisual PerceptionReading and WritingMathematical Computation Damage Damage or injury to the parietal lobe can cause a number of difficulties. Some of the difficulties as it relates to language include the inability to recall the correct names of everyday items, inability to write or spell, impaired reading, and the inability to position the lips or tongue properly in order to speak. Other problems that may result from damage to the parietal lobes include difficulty in performing goal-directed tasks, difficulty in drawing and performing math calculations, difficulty in identifying objects by touch or distinguishing between different types of touch, inability to distinguish left from right, lack of hand-eye coordination, difficulty in understanding direction, lack of body awareness, difficulty in making exact movements, inability to perform complex tasks in the proper order, difficulty in localizing touch and deficits in attention.​ Certain types of problems are associated with damage caused to either the left or right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Damage to the left parietal lobe typically results in difficulties in understanding language and writing. Damage to the right parietal lobe results in difficulties with understanding spatial orientation and navigation. Cerebral Cortex Lobes The cerebral cortex is the thin layer of tissue that covers the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest component of the brain and is divided into two hemispheres with each hemisphere being divided into four lobes. Each brain lobe has a specific function. Functions of the cerebral cortex lobes involve everything from interpreting and processing sensory information to decision-making and problem-solving capabilities. In addition to the parietal lobes, the lobes of the brain consist of the frontal lobes, temporal lobes, and occipital lobes. The frontal lobes are involved in reasoning and the expression of personality. The temporal lobes assist in organizing sensory input and memory formation. The occipital lobes are involved in visual processing.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Properties of social media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Properties of social media - Assignment Example One of the key moments in the history occurred in 1971 when the first email was sent. Since the discovery of this important function, individuals and business entities have ever used it to communicate and collaborate. Likewise, e-mails form a core component of the collaborative projects and are used by the participants to communicate and interact freely. E-mail messaging is not important to businesses, but also networking communities who use it in communicating and sharing of ideas. The second moment in the history of social media occurred in 1979 with the launch of the usernets and bulletin board systems which allowed users to exchange information over phone lines. According to Cane bulletin boards form an important component of the computer mediated communication system and social interaction (78). The system has revolutionized text-based communication while elintaing the need for visual contact. Another key moment is the discovery of the World Wide Web in 1989 by the British Engin eer Tim Berners Lee. The World Wide Web has brought people together while facilitating the formation of virtual communication. The World Wide Web is very important as it supports all the forms of social media and without it, the sharing of information between users would be impossible. At the same time, World Wide Web facilitates sharing of information between businesses, suppliers and increasing efficiency in an organization. The expansion of the social media sphere would not have been without earlier attempts by the Globe.com, classmates.com, Geocities and the Sixdegrees to create platforms where users can develop their own profiles and exchange important information with their friends and other users. The social media sphere thereafter exploded with the launch of the Friendster.com, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. The fifth key component of the social media is the content communities which have become prevalent in the modern society. A perfect example of a content community is the You Tube which was launched in 2005. YouTube allows the users to share videos, has become phenomenal and it could even be used in the promotion of e-commerce. In this regard, by uploading YouTube video content, business entities can be able to popularize their offerings. Use of viral marketing using social media tools has become a common method that is quickly replacing the traditional forms of marketing. All the above five moments have impacted positively on the way people communicate and are credited with expanding the social media sphere. Question 2: Properties of social media It is very important to make a distinction between industry and social media, to ensure organization choose the most appropriate integrated communication mix. In this regard, an organization should be able to compare and contrasts the benefits and the shortcomings of using the two forms of media. On one hand, social media could be advantageous since it only requires limited sources and creates an immediate impact while on the other hand, industry media could have a more long-lasting impact besides producing high quality advertisements. The differentiating properties also allow organizations to determine the tradeoffs they are willing to make in order to maximize the benefits of their resources. However, the properties of quality and reach do not well differentiate social and the industry media. This is because the quality of both industrial and social media ranges from high to low and there is no clear distinction. Likewise, just like industrial media, social media has become a serious tool and its distribution

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing 4580 International Transportation Essay - 1

Marketing 4580 International Transportation - Essay Example Postconsumer recycled content are environmental friendly and a firm could use these materials in packaging. Another environmental friendly strategy that a firm could apply would be the reduction of packaging materials used and instead use just one material for packaging. In order to keep the cycle going the firm should also have an environmental friendly system to collect the materials used in packaging for recycling. The last effective strategy would be to use materials that could be under use again after cleaning like refillable beverage bottles. Logistics have been existent since civilization and it is both exciting and challenging. If the packaging inefficiency were under reduction, there would be a great ease because logistics deals with getting products wherever they are in need at the right time. This is only possible; by the way, the products are stored. The first principle that states that materials should be handled as less as possible surprises me most. I fail to understand the aim of handling materials without really handling them, but the results of this principle stand out for themselves. The other principle that surprises me is the principle of moving optimum units in one package. I would argue that it is more risky to move a huge number of goods in one unit due to risk of destruction and huge losses. In fragmented logistics, activities are under management in many different offices in an organization while in unified logistics as the name suggests multiple activities under execution in one department and managed as a single unit. Every participant in the network organization has their specific duty to carry out under their department. If everyone is doing their duty, then the agility of the whole system should be precise and accurate on timing and coordination. One principle of logistics is not to affect the production of the product. If a network is efficient the relevancy, responsiveness and flexibility is under

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How To Handle Information Essay Example for Free

How To Handle Information Essay The learner can: 1. Understand requirements for handling information in social care settings 1.1 Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in social care settings 1.2 Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice inform practice in handling information 2. Understand good practice in handling information in social care settings 2.1Explain how to maintain records that are up to date, complete, accurate and legible 2.2Describe practices that ensure security when storing and accessing information 2.3Describe features of manual and electronic information storage systems that help ensure security 3. Understand how to support others to handle information  3.1 Explain how to support others to understand the need for secure handling of information 3.2 Explain how to support others to understand and contribute to records Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit develops the knowledge and understanding needed to implement and promote good practice in recording, sharing, storing and accessing information in social care settings. This unit is aimed at those who are interested in, or new to working in social care settings. Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) HSC 31 Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit (if appropriate) Others may include: Colleagues External third party such as IT specialist Social worker Occupational Therapist GP Speech and Language Therapist Physiotherapist Pharmacist Nurse Specialist nurse Psychologist Psychiatrist Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Advocate Dementia care advisor Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit needs to be assessed in line with the Skills for Care and Development QCF Assessment Principles. Support for the unit from a SSC or other appropriate body (if required) Skills for Care and Development Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system 01.3 Health and Social Care Name of the organisation submitting the unit Availability for use Shared Unit available from Unit guided learning hours

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Effects of Global Warming :: Global Warming Climate Change

The Effects of Global Warming What is global warming, and how is it affecting the Earth and its inhabitants? Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth's surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer. The greenhouse effect is what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to occur in the coming decades. For the last 10,000 years, the Earth's climate has been extraordinarily beneficial to mankind. "Humans have prospered tremendously well under a benign atmosphere," (Bates 28). Today, however, major changes are taking place. People are conducting an inadvertent global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer, which allows life to exist on the Earth's surface. All of these activities are unfavorably altering the composition of the biosphere and the Earth's heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying, the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to spill into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century. The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature rises occurring in winter. Most areas will experience summertime highs well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. New temperature records will be set each year. As a possible prelude to global warming, the decade of the 1980's has had the six hottest years of the century (Erandson 18-22). Atmospheric disturbances brought on by the additional warming will produce more violent storms and larger death tolls. Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry out and a greater occurrence of lightning strikes will set massive forest fires. The charring of the Earth by natural and man-made forest fires will dump additional quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Changes in temperature and rainfall brought on by global warming will in turn change the composition of the forests. At the present rate of destruction, most of the rain forests will be gone by the middle of the next century. The Effects of Global Warming :: Global Warming Climate Change The Effects of Global Warming What is global warming, and how is it affecting the Earth and its inhabitants? Global warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth's surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer. The greenhouse effect is what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to occur in the coming decades. For the last 10,000 years, the Earth's climate has been extraordinarily beneficial to mankind. "Humans have prospered tremendously well under a benign atmosphere," (Bates 28). Today, however, major changes are taking place. People are conducting an inadvertent global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer, which allows life to exist on the Earth's surface. All of these activities are unfavorably altering the composition of the biosphere and the Earth's heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying, the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to spill into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century. The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature rises occurring in winter. Most areas will experience summertime highs well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. New temperature records will be set each year. As a possible prelude to global warming, the decade of the 1980's has had the six hottest years of the century (Erandson 18-22). Atmospheric disturbances brought on by the additional warming will produce more violent storms and larger death tolls. Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry out and a greater occurrence of lightning strikes will set massive forest fires. The charring of the Earth by natural and man-made forest fires will dump additional quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Changes in temperature and rainfall brought on by global warming will in turn change the composition of the forests. At the present rate of destruction, most of the rain forests will be gone by the middle of the next century.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fascist Ideology- Norsefire and the Nazi Party Essay

Question One. What were the ideologies of the Nazi Party and the Norsefire Party portrayed in V for Vendetta? Nazi ideology or Nazism was the ideology developed by Adolf Hitler and other prominent Nazis in Germany. There were many existing ideologies that influenced Nazism such as Fascism and Nationalism, however Nazism was a unique ideology in many ways. It combined many ideas, values and morals that were key to Hitler’s vision of Germany, such as Lebensraum, the Fuhrer and Autarky. These core elements of the Nazi regime show Authoritarianism, Nationalism, Militarism and Expansionism (Llewellyn, 2014). The idea of having the Fuhrer, which was the title given to Hitler, showed the idea of an all powerful leader and strong government. This was key to Nazism and the Fuhrer was given all political power. Democracy was also eliminated from Nazi Germany, with all other political parties being disbanded. The Nazis had all the authority in Germany with the creation of specialised police groups suc h as the Gestapo, who also had a lot of power. Lebensraum and Autarky showed the intense Nationalism and Expansionism of the Nazi party. Combined, the policies show the Nazi beliefs that all Germans should have living space by expanding into non German countries and that Germany should be completely self sufficient. These policies also highlight the extreme Racism which was a key element in Nazism. The idea that Aryans were the master race and minorities were subhuman and were sent to concentration camps. Nazism however was most known for its Totalitarianism which allowed the Nazis to control all aspects of German society. The ideology of the Norsefire Party is similar to Nazism in many ways with similar ideas and values being present in both parties. The leader of the Norsefire Party, Adam Susan, is referred to as Leader, similar to Hitler’s use of Fuhrer. The Norsefire Party’s main policies were complete control of the media, extensive personal surveillance and elimination of minorities. Traditional values, Authoritarianism and Nationalism are a huge part of the Norsefire Parties ideology and are shown in these policies. The Norsefire party run several departments; the Finger which is the secret police, the Nose which is the regular police force, the Eye which is the  surveillance department, the Mouth which is in charge of propaganda and the Head which is the Leaders headquarters and controls the whole ‘body’. The Norsefire party used each department to achieve total control of the British people. Traditional values are also very important to the Norsefire party. Concentration camps were established and anyone who wasn’t white, hetrosexual and Christian was prosecuted. This showed the desire for a ‘traditional’ England, and also made it easier to control the population. Like the Nazi party, Norsefire displayed extreme Totalitarianism, which gave them a lot of power over the British people. Question Two. What were the pressures from which these ideologies emerged? There were a lot of pressures in Germany at the time of the rise of the Nazi party that contributed to their success. It is likely that they also influenced Nazism and the reason behind Hitler’s vision of Germany. In V for Vendetta the pressures were similar to that of Germany at the time, and the pressures also contributed to the ideology. After WW1 Germany was in disarray. The Weimar republic had just written a constitution and had a vision to make Germany a democratic republic. In fact it was the most democratic political system of its time. However the system wasn’t suitable for the problems it had to deal with. From the Treaty of Versailles to the struggle between Spartacists (local communists) and Freikorps (nationalist ex soldiers), there were endless challenges for the government (Llewellyn, 2014). With the new political system in place the government found it hard to respond quickly to the nations pro blems. Further more the Reichstag became filled with small political parties and instead of the decisive leadership that the public craved Germany had fifteen different chancellor’s, all with different political views. Money was also a huge problem in Germany at the time with the Great Depression of 1929. These political and social problems gave the Nazi party all the power they needed to take over the vulnerable Germany. With their promises of a united and strong Germany, the Nazis were exactly what the German people thought they needed. In V for Vendetta, the world is in chaos. A worldwide nuclear war narrowly avoided Britain, however it had huge impacts on the environment and Britain’s relationships with other countries. British land became infertile and as a result the economy  plummeted. This resulted in severe riots and the government collapsed leaving the nation in mass chaos. These problems with Britain and the world gave the Norsefire party a perfect opportunity to rise up and take control of Britain. Their ultra right wing policies seemed inviting to people who were sick of chaos and economic instability. In a way the pressures surrounding these parties let them strengthen their ideologies and make their policies more forceful. This was because the public supported them and wanted more stability in their lives. Of course many people did not know the extent of the parties ideologies, which gave the parties another advantage over the public. By having the peoples vote but not their awareness, the Norsefire and Nazi party had the freedom to take control and cement their power. Question Three. How does the following quote from V for Vendetta reflect the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany? â€Å"We’ve had a string of embezzlers, frauds, liars and lunatics making a string of catastrophic decisions. This is plain fact. But who elected them? It was you! You who appointed these people! You who gave them the power to make your decisions for you†¦. You have encouraged these malicious incompetents, who have made your working life a shambles. You have without question accepted their senseless orders†¦. You could have stopped them. All you had to say was no.† (Moore, 2005 pg116-117) I believe that this quote is highly relevant to the rise of the Nazi party because at no point was there any nation wide opposition to the Nazis and their regime, even after massacres and other cases of violence towards members of the public. If there had of been nationwide opposition to the Nazis once the public had evidence of the true intentions of the Nazi Party, the world would be a completely different place. Once the Nazis were elected into government they started committing acts of extreme violence and murder. One of the notable massacres was Kristallnacht which took place on November 9 and 10 in 1938. Organised by the Nazis, over 91 Jewish people were murdered and 30,000 were incarcerated (United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 2013). German authorities watched on doing nothing while countless Jewish shops, houses and synagogues were destroyed by Nazis and members of  the public. Most members of the German public expressed disapproval against the severity of Kristallnacht however no protests or further action took place. Even after the nation was given a reason to express their unhappiness no movements were made. It was almost as if it was ignored. This outbreak of hate fueled violence by the government showed their true nature and foreshadowed exactly how far they would go. This quote from V for Vendetta explores the idea that the power government has can be taken away by just saying no. Also that people must think for themselves and not let a government make bad or unfair decisions on their behalf. There have been countless cases of nations overthrowing bad governments throughout history such as the French Revolution, that show how possible it is. If the German people had united as one against the appalling violence and discrimination, I believe that they could have overthrown the Nazi government, as signalled in the quote. By saying that a people have the power to remove a bad government, this quote also makes those people responsible for not acting. So that the blame for a bad government must ultimately sit with the people who did nothing to stop the wrongs committed in their name. Bibliography: Moore, Alan, and David Lloyd. â€Å"Chapter 4 A Vocational Viewpoint.† V for Vendetta. New York: Vertigo/DC Comics, 2005. 116-17. Print. Llewellyn, Jennifer. â€Å"Nazi Ideology.† Alpha History: Nazi Germany. Alpha History, n.d. Web. 05 May 2014. Llewellyn, Jennifer. â€Å"Weimar Germany – Alpha History.† Weimar Germany. Alpha History, n.d. Web. 07 May 2014. â€Å"Nazi Beliefs.† GCSE Bitesize. BBC, n.d. Web. 08 May 2014. â€Å"Norsefire.† Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 July 2013. Web. 08 May 2014. â€Å"Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom, November 9–10, 1938.† United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 10 June 2013. Web. 08 May 2014.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pharmacy Management System

Identification This system is developed to automate data for the organization named Bete Zata Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Awassa town. The system that is going to be developed is concerned with different tasks. For example, it automates data on patients; it records blood test result, records data on trainees etc. It revolves about how patients get service and counseling. It also stores data like patient data, trainees’ data, counselor data, trainer data, etc. . 2 System overview. This System is developed with many purposes. Out of its main purposes, it greatly minimizes cost, time and resources by computerizing the manual system.. It will be possible to search in a simple way a specific patient pr trainee among many patients or trainee in a simple way patients based on their ID. ID number is unique to each patient and trainee 1. 3 General description Bete Zata is one of the non governmental organizations established in Ethiopia. This organization has three offices incl uding the two branches in Nazareth and here in Awassa.The main goal of this organization is to treat HIV/AIDS patients in a good manner, to minimize the transmission rate of HIV in Ethiopia by contributing what it is possible. It gives VCT meaning voluntary counseling and testing services. It also provides training for many individuals. To generalize the main activities done by this organization, let’s see the following paragraph. In the first step when the patient comes, he will be given a counseling service by the organizations counselor about AIDS, its transmission, its present state, what he should do if he is positive or else negative, shortly.Then he will refer to the examination room and the Doctor will take blood from the patient and tests whether he is positive or negative. If the result shows ‘he is positive’, the patient’s health condition will be checked. Then he will be given diagnosis parallel to counseling if his health condition is not such good until he recovers from his poor condition. Otherwise he directly goes to the counselor. The counselor will give detail advice for the patient. When the counselor finishes his advice, he will ask the patient wether he is voluntary to take training or not.If he is voluntary he will start the training according to the time schedule of the training process. If the person is negative after the test, he will be referred to the counselor so that the counselor gives advice for the person so that he should protect himself from HIV. If he has the motive to participate in training he will be registered to the training. Besides counseling and testing patients, the organization also prepares training for different organizations and individuals. The flow chart in the next pages describes the above activities of the organization. [pic] pic] DESIGN Design is the first step to move from the problem domain towards the solution domain. Design is essentially the bridge between requirement specifi cation and the final solution for satisfying the requirements. It is the most critical factor affecting the quality of the software. DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS It is one of the most important modeling tools used by system analysts. It is used to illustrate how data flows in a system. DFD’s use a number of symbols to represent systems. These symbols represent processes, data stores, data flows and external entities. 1.Process: – Process show what systems do. Each process has one or more data inputs and produces one or more data outputs. Processes are represented by circles in a DFD. 2. Data Store: – A component of a DFD in which data is stored. 3. External Entity:- These are outside the of the system but either supply input data into the system or use the system output. It is represented in a box. 4. Data flow: It shows how data flows between process, data stores and external entities. They are represented by lines joining system components. [pic] Level-0 Diagram [pic] E R ModelThis model describes the relationships between different activities. The entities included in the ER model are the following. ? Counselor ? Patient ? Blood Test ? Trainer ? Trainee ? Training 1. 4 Objectives This project minimizes the complex and the difficult work of the manual processes, which is costly, in terms of time and resources. The general objective of the software is to develop a system which is capable of automating all the manual works i. e. developing a database with interfaces for storing Specific goals. The specific goals of the final product of the software are as follows. To computerize some of the manual activities of the organization – To avoid the time for searching the patients and trainees – To make the organization well documented – To decrease the risk of losing the records 1. 5 Users This software is mainly used by the Record Office workers and concerned individuals like the counselors and trainers. 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS In doi ng this task, I have used the â€Å"Software Engineering† book by PankaJ Jalotea, Software Engineering course handouts, System analysis and design handouts and different information getting from the host organization around different tasks. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3. External interface requirement 1. User interfaces: The system will have good looking, clear and neat interface so that user can interact easily to the software. To do this I will use buttons for any command to users, and I will not use any technical word for any command instead I will use command names that reflect the functions they perform. I will also use help statements in some of the windows to assist users in their activity. 2. Hardware interfaces: the system does not need any special hardware to operate fully but recommended configuration is 256 MB of RAM, 40 GB hard disk drive and flash memory if possible. . Software interfaces: the system will use only few types of software. The main softwares that have detectab le influence on this system are Visual Basic (VB) and Ms Access. 2 Functional Requirements When we say functional requirement, we mean the relationship between the input and output of the system. It describes all operations to be performed on the input data to obtain the output. This system has many inputs and outputs. Out of them the followings are some of them. Database Design A careful design of the database must proceed before storing the data in the database.This project contains about six database tables each containing their own primary keys. Through these tables, a user can store his personal data. 1. Patient Detail The VCT system receives patients’ information from the patient as an input and stores each individual information. The primary key in this table is phone number. This table referred from Blood Test table using date. So date is used as a foreign key. This patient detail table is related with Trainee table phone number. [pic] 2. Blood Test Detail This table uses the attribute date as a primary key. When you fill the date alue in the given space in the interface you will get the result as numbers (number of patients, HIV positives, HIV negatives). This table uses the date itself as a foreign key to be related with the Training table and Patient table. [pic] 3. Counselor Detail Counselor detail stores information about the counselor. The primary key in this case is counselor ID. Through this key is the table relate with other tables. The table relates with the Trainee and Training tables. [pic] 4. Trainee Detail Information about trainees is stored in the Trainee table. In this case, the primary key is the Trainer ID.Through this ID the Trainee table is related with Training table. It is referenced from the Trainer table using IDTrainer. [pic] 5. Training table All the data related with training is stored in this table. It uses two primary keys as the same time. These are Place and Date. Training given at a particular place in a particul ar date is unique. But if we use these two fields separately, the uniqueness will be lost. [pic] 6. Trainer Table Trainers’ information is stored here. IDTrainer is the primary key for the table. It is related with the Trainee and Training table through this table. [pic] Form DesignAs I mention before the interface I am using is VB 6. 0. Using this software I design the following forms. In each form the buttons Insert, Update, Delete, Search and Exit buttons are used to add, modify, delete, find data from the data base and close the form. The symbols ‘’ are to mean First, Previous, Next and Last respectively. 1. Login form [pic] 2. Main Form [pic] 3. Patient Detail [pic] Blood Test [pic] When you click the button †Blood Test Detail till the Defined Date†, you will get the number of negative and positive patients with in time intervals. 5. Counselor Detail [pic] 6. Trainee Detail [pic] 7. Training Detail pic] When you click the button â€Å"Status of Trainees†, you will get the number of tested and non tested trainees. 8. Trainer Detail [pic] 9. Search form In this search button the user enters the corresponding IDs in the given space. For example, if we want to search the patient information, the user enters the ID of the patient and clicks search. The patient details will display. [pic] ———————– Start Patient come Is he come for training? No Councelling Examination Is positive? Yes Is healthy? No Diagnosis Counseling Counseling Yes No Counseling Want training? No Yes A B C D Yes FLOW CHART Wait training sessionStart training Teach others A B C Want training? Wait training session Start training Teach others End D Yes No Context Level DFD HIV VCT Counselor Patient Patient Personal Detail Test Result details Advice Patient details Trainee Trainee details Patient Service for patients Personal detail Testing Testing request Test detail Referring to counselor Current res ult Counselor Counselor details info Personal details Personal details Testing result Trainee Personal details Give advice Training for trainees Participating in training Referring for training Patient Advice Trainer May be Counselor Advice Patient Trains

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dead Mens path Essays

Dead Mens path Essays Dead Mens path Paper Dead Mens path Paper In China Achebes story Dead mens Path conflict occurs between religious beliefs and modern beliefs. Obi fail to achieve his goal because he didnt respect villagers beliefs. Obi did not believe in villagers traditions he tried to stop and which resulted into a conflict between villagers and Obi. Obi believes that path is the change that has to be done. Respect others beliefs and traditions and dont force a change. This short story starts off with Michael Obi being appointed to become a headmaster for Undue Central School. It was a challenge because the school had always been unprepossessing. Michael Obi had a passion for modern methods. One day Michael Obi saw a lady from the village walk right across the school compound when he sees that he tells a teacher It amazes me that you people allowed the villagers make use of this footpath the teacher replies the path appears to be very important to them and it connects the village shrine with their place of burial. The head master Obi closes the path because of what the Government Education Officer might say. Mr.. Obi tempts to take a big part of villagers beliefs. Once Mr.. Obi takes away the path the religion strikes at him by showing some kind of karma (the lady giving birth dies). Mr.. Obi is ignorant in the others beliefs, he Is highly educated so hes arrogant about what he believe, he believes he knows more than the villagers. Obi also believed everyone should live in a modern way, he never considered that villagers wished to live as their ancestors did. Obi ended up failing his goal to change the school, the Government Education Officer didnt like what he had done to the school. The villagers had also torn the place apart so It looked even worse than before. Obi ended up losing his Job. Villagers choose to stand up for their traditions than to become modernized. In my story ending Obi gave up on the village, he was naive; he could not understand the connection between the villagers and the path. He was too modernized. The villagers did fight back when Blob first tried to take the path from them. It caused a huge conflict where he almost lost his wife. Obi knew the villagers didnt want to change their traditions and they were going to fight for what they lived In so he let It be. He Just quit the Job and moved on. You cant always have It your way Is the theme to my story ending. Dead Mens path By Monkeys dies). Mr.. Obi is ignorant in the others beliefs, he is highly educated so hes arrogant The villagers had also torn the place apart so it looked even worse than before. Obi modernized. The villagers did fight back when Obi first tried to take the path from believed in so he let it be. He Just quit the Job and moved on. You cant always have it your way is the theme to my story ending.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Italian Phrases to Use at the Train Station

Italian Phrases to Use at the Train Station You’ve been in Rome for a few days, and you’re ready to venture out of the city to somewhere with a slower pace, like Orvieto or Assisi- or perhaps you just want to see more of Italy and you’re heading out to places like Venezia, Milano, or Napoli. Wherever you want to go, Italy is well-connected by train, so it’s easy to get around without having to brave the streets in a rented car. Of course, you’ll run into inconveniences like gli scioperi or strikes when taking the train and it’s likely that there will be a delay, but overall the system works. To help you get around Italy, here are some phrases to use in train stations and on trains. Phrases for the Train Station Dov’à ¨ la stazione dei treni? - Where is the train station?Dove si comprano i biglietti? - Where can I buy tickets?Quanta costa il biglietto a Orvieto? - How much does the ticket to Orvieto cost?Un biglietto per (Venezia), per favore. - A ticket for (Venice), please.Vorrei comprare un biglietto per (Roma). - I would like to buy a ticket to (Rome). A train ticket can be†¦ ...di sola andata - one way ...(di) andata e ritorno - round-trip ...di prima classe - first class ...di seconda classe - second class A che ora passa l’ultimo treno? - What time does the last train come?Da quale binario parte il treno per (Orvieto)? - What platform does the train for (Orvieto) leave from?Dov’à ¨ il binario (otto)? - Where is platform (eight_?Quali sono le carrozze di prima classe? - Which cars are for first class? You might hear†¦ Il treno à ¨ in ritardo. - The train is late.C’à ¨ un ritardo di (cinque) minuti. - There is a 5-minute delay.Oggi c’à ¨ uno sciopero. - There is a strike today.Il treno numero (2757) à ¨ in partenza da binario nove. - Train number (2757) is leaving from platform nine.Il treno numero (981) à ¨ in arrivo a binario tre. - Train number (981) is in arrival at platform three.Ci scusiamo il disturbo. - We apologize for the disturbance. For all of the phrases above, it’s very useful to be able to say and understand the numbers. Phrases on the Train Quanto tempo ci vuole? - How long does the trip take?Qual à ¨ la prossima fermata? - What is the next stop?La prossima fermata à ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ - The next stop is†¦Ho l’Eurail pass. - I have a Eurail pass. While you’re on the train, it’s very likely that a person, called il controllore, will come by to check your tickets. Most likely, they’ll say something like, Buongiorno / Buonasera, biglietti? - Good afternoon / Good evening, tickets? You’ll simply show them your ticket- either ones that your printed from the Internet or the ones from the ticket counter. If you got your tickets from the counter, remember to validate them at any of the machines in the train station prior to boarding. If you don’t, you could be fined fifty or more euro. È questo il treno per...? - Is this the train for...?Questo treno va anche a (Firenze)? - Does this train also go to Florence? When you look at the boards with all of the arrivals (arrivi) and departures (partenze), you’ll notice that the only destination shown is the final one, so it’s more reliable to depend on the number of the train as opposed to the city that’s being shown. FUN FACT: There are three main types of trains: 1.) Fast trains - Frecciabianca (or Frecciarossa) / Italo 2.) Intercity - IC 3.) Local trains - Regionale/Regionale veloce TIP: Never buy a first-class ticket for local trains as the carriages are all the same and they’ll charge you more for first-class. You can check the timetable for the trains online at Trenitalia or Italo. You can also buy tickets at the ticketing office of the train station or at the self-service machines using both credit card and cash, although some machines may only take cards. If you are doing longer bouts of train travel, you may want to consider taking a high-speed train. If you do that, you can determine your carriage number and seat by looking at the bottom of the ticket. Finally, if you know you’ll be traveling a lot throughout Italy, you can save some money by buying a eurail pass.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Economic Nature of the Construction Industry Assignment

Economic Nature of the Construction Industry - Assignment Example Later on, Karl Marx introduced his ideas of exploitation of labor by capital and concluded that the huge constructions that the economy witnessed were all the result of labor that were unjustly and unethically denied the fruits of their efforts which were usurped by capitalists. With progress of time, came the Great Depression and the development of a radically new approach to macroeconomics by John Maynard Keynes. Faced with gloomy prospects of an ever deepening economic depression where the roaring economy of United States that was confident that good times will last forever suddenly faced a scary scenario where jobs vanished and with it the much vaunted purchasing power of populace, Keynes had to think of an way out of that desperate situation. He realized that increasing aggregate demand was the only way out and chose construction industry as the most convenient vehicle of autonomous investment to undertaken by the US government. He prescribed large doses of investment by the gov ernment in construction industry that would, through multiplier effect, generate substantial aggregate demand and consequent rise in general price level that would be sufficient to motivate producers to undertake induced investment. Once this process gets started the upward moving price-wage spiral would pull the entire economy out of the depths of depression. Construction industry is seldom characterized by cutting edge innovations. Any new technique implemented by a builder is quickly replicated by competitors and generally all firms in the industry have access to similar technology. Thus it is an industry that experiences intense competition among equally formidable rivals. It is also an industry where production cycle is possibly the longest and with huge potential for employment requiring substantial levels of continuous investment to keep the industry healthy, construction industry becomes one of the benchmarks for judging the overall