Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History

The Confederate Flag Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag.Is the confederate flag a true symbol of â€Å"Heritage or Hate†? Many states in America’s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. The confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half, which was ever since thebeginning of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbol of hatred and are willing to get rid of it by taking it down. On the other hand,some people see this flag as a symbol of American history and want to keep this flag flying for heritage. The real question is who is right and why? On July 10th, 2015 the confederate flag was finally taken down, along with the pole it flew on.After one hundred and fifty-four years this flag will forever be gone. Many people were happy and glad to see the confederate flag go because it has lately been seen as a symbol of hate.On June 17th, there was a shooting massacre in Charleston, South Carolina that was related to the confederate flag. This was all the more reason to take down the flag and to keep people from egging on hatred toward African-American people. On July 8th, 2015 a debate was held to see if the people wanted the flag to stay flying or to be taken down. â€Å"By 6:30 p.m.,the chamber was engaged in an extended debate over a Pitts amendment that would remove the battle flag and substituteShow MoreRelatedThe Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History1352 Words   |  6 PagesThe Confederate Flag Is the confederate flag a true symbol of â€Å"Heritage or Hate†? Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag. Many states in America’s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. 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