Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History

The Confederate Flag Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag.Is the confederate flag a true symbol of â€Å"Heritage or Hate†? Many states in America’s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. The confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half, which was ever since thebeginning of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbol of hatred and are willing to get rid of it by taking it down. On the other hand,some people see this flag as a symbol of American history and want to keep this flag flying for heritage. The real question is who is right and why? On July 10th, 2015 the confederate flag was finally taken down, along with the pole it flew on.After one hundred and fifty-four years this flag will forever be gone. Many people were happy and glad to see the confederate flag go because it has lately been seen as a symbol of hate.On June 17th, there was a shooting massacre in Charleston, South Carolina that was related to the confederate flag. This was all the more reason to take down the flag and to keep people from egging on hatred toward African-American people. On July 8th, 2015 a debate was held to see if the people wanted the flag to stay flying or to be taken down. â€Å"By 6:30 p.m.,the chamber was engaged in an extended debate over a Pitts amendment that would remove the battle flag and substituteShow MoreRelatedThe Confederate Flag As A Symbol Of American History1352 Words   |  6 PagesThe Confederate Flag Is the confederate flag a true symbol of â€Å"Heritage or Hate†? Recently there has been a big debate over the nation for the flying confederate flag. Many states in America’s south had the confederate flag as a part of their state flag, but this has been changed over the past few months. This confederate flag has been known and flown for many battles over the past century and a half, which was ever since the start of the Civil War in 1861. Some people today see this flag as a symbolRead MoreHistory Of The Confederate Flag1455 Words   |  6 PagesChase Jones History of the confederate flag In the past couple of year, there has been a controversial battle over the flying of the Confederate Flag on government buildings. The controversy has really started to stir up in the southern states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia. On January 30, 2001, the state of Georgia changed its flag, removing the large Confederate battle cross from the 1956 design and replacing it with the state seal of Georgia. Now, the state of Mississippi isRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And The Civil War1508 Words   |  7 PagesThe Confederate Flag The Confederate Flag is the symbol for the Southern state in the Civil War. It is not just pieces of material. The flag represent families and where they came from. Flags have been a part of history since the beginning of time and the Confederate flag is a large part of the United States history. People need to learn what the flag has represented. The true meaning. Not what they think the flag has represented. Teaching the meaning of the Confederate flag needs to start in theRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And Its Controversy1335 Words   |  6 Pages In my paper I will be discussing the Confederate Flag and its controversy in history and in todays views. The Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek toRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : A Negative Symbol Of American Society Since The 1800 S1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe Confederate flag has been a negative symbol in American society since the 1800’s. It has been only recently that the Confederate flag has been brought back to life as a contemporary issue. In recent times the flag has been used as a motivation for racial strikes and other rebellious acts bring the issues of the flag and the controversy behind it back to life. The major questions I seek to answer in this essay is why the controversy of the Confederate flag only been brought back up recently andRead MoreThe Confederate Flag : Controversy Or Logical Solution?1717 Words   |  7 PagesThe Confederate Flag: Controversy or Logical Solution? The Confederate flag has been a topic of controversy in the United States for many years. It and other symbols of the Confederacy are parts of many state flags in the South and it is even flown at several state buildings throughout the South. To some the Confederate flag is a historical symbol and is believed to be a way of remembering the Civil War that almost tore the nation in two, but to others it represents fear and hatred due to its useRead MoreThe Confederate Flag And Its Racist857 Words   |  4 Pagesright now is the Confederate Flag and whether or not it s racist. 42 percent think the flag represent southern heritage and the other 42 percent think it s racist and should be taken down. 75 percent believe it s racist and only one in ten will agree that it is southern heritage. Depending on what region is asked about if it is racist, there are different answers. The Midwest say it is racist and the south, of course, say it s not racist. A poll showed that African Americans, D emocrats, and theRead MoreThe Confederate Flag, By Winston Churchill1598 Words   |  7 PagesAs Winston Churchill stated, â€Å"The flags of the Confederate States of America were very important and a matter of great pride to those citizens living in the confederacy. They are also a matter of great pride for their descendants as part of their heritage and history,† but in present day, the American people are claiming the meaning of the confederate flag is hate and discrimination. In South Carolina, the confederate flag was taken down and placed in a museum after a heated debate stemming fromRead MoreConfederate Flag : History Or Hate1688 Words   |  7 Pages The Confederate Flag: History or Hate The beginning of Confederate flag controversy started due to the request of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to remove the flag off the South Carolina statehouse. This request, based on the fact that the anti-flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag as one of hateful and discriminatory views. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently which considered themselves pro-flag groupsRead MoreConfederate Flag Is America s Swastika1512 Words   |  7 PagesConfederate Flag In The Hill, a top U.S. political magazine, in June 2015, Contributor H. A. Goodman wrote, â€Å"The Confederate flag is indeed America s swastika.† In the same way the Jewish community sees the swastika as a painful reminder of the Holocaust, the African-American community perceives the flag as a reminder of slavery and racial discrimination. The Confederate flag, a relic of the devastating Civil War, has become one of the most controversial and contentious icons in American history

Monday, December 16, 2019

Mt Cook Formation Free Essays

Mt Cook/Aoraki formation Vinoth Loganathan New Zealand is a country which ‘straddles’ between two tectonic plates; the indo-Australian and the Pacific. The location of the South Island is south of both Australia and South Africa; this is a major contributor to the geological process of weathering because it makes Mt. Cook subject to the westerly winds. We will write a custom essay sample on Mt Cook Formation or any similar topic only for you Order Now MT Cook is situated in the Southern Alps between the two tectonic plates mentioned above. Its current height is now stated at 3,753 meters making it the tallest mountain in Australasia. The mountain itself has been formed by three main geological processes; one internal: tectonic uplifting and 2 external: weathering and erosion. Internal: 1. Tectonic Uplifting Mt. Cook was formed by the internal process of orgenic tectonic uplifting, where two plates collide and one plate increases in elevation and the opposite plate decreases. However Mt. Cook formed differently compared to other mountains. This is due to both tectonic plates having landmass on the top and the plates meeting at different angles. The movement occurring here is grinding which pushes up land mass (Mt. Cook) and creates a transform fault. Present rate of uplift is 5-10 mm a year but this is easily countered by weathering and erosion. Evidence of this uplift is apparent on the mount on the south ridge specifically the Endeavour col fold where sand, mud and silt has been folded and fractures forming vertical beds of silt and sandstone. Overall the tectonic uplift of Mt. Cook over the past 2 to 3 million years could have been up to 20 kilometres but weathering and erosion have easily countered it. Westerly Winds External 1. Weathering Mt. Cook has been shaped by powerful forces of weathering. Mt Cook is subject to high amounts of weathering due to its height and location. Mt Cook is located south of Australia and South Africa making it the first significant barrier to the powerful westerly winds the ‘roaring forties’. Due to the wind Mt. Cook is subject to various different types of weathering such as freeze thaw weathering. When the wind reaches the Southern Alps the air rises and drops rain on Mt. Cook. When the water reaches the mountain it lands in a crack, it then freezes freezes and expands making the crack bigger. The process repeats and weathers the mountain. This process occurs all over the mountain rapidly due to often temperature change. This process also occurs a lot on the peaks on the mountain being the reason why the peaks are so ‘sharp’. 2. Erosion The wind and rain affecting Mt. Cook is a significant cause of erosion. Rain and wind both use gravity to essentially remove the ‘loose rock’ of the mountain. Rain does it by ‘washing’ it off and wind does it by ‘blowing’ it off. There is significant evidence that substantial erosion has occurred on Mt. Cook. This is located at the valleys of the Southern Alps. Large river beds made up of of ‘eroded scree’ and gravel. Also multiple glaciers such as the hooker glacier are carrying eroded debris matching the rock Mt. Cook is made up of. Weathering and erosion have contributed to the formation of Mount Cook by shaping it. The shape of Mt. Cook is wide at the bottom but skinny at the top this is because the higher you go the more weathering and erosion occurring. So in conclusion Mt. Cook has been formed by multiple geological processes and is continuing to be formed this present age. How to cite Mt Cook Formation, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Capital Maintenance for Price Smoothing - MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theCapital Maintenance for Price Smoothing. Answer: The history of the doctrine of capital maintenance can be traced from the year 1887. During this period a famous judgment had been ruled by the court in the famous case of Trevor v Whitworth. The case ruled that a company is not entitled to return the capital gained by it to its shareholder. The directors of in this case were alleged to distribute dividends in an unethical manner. The shareholders had the knowledge that the company had not made enough profit which could entitle them to dividends still they opted for dividends. The primary purpose of the doctrine was to provided security to the creditors of the company[1]. The doctrine provided that a company is not entitled to reduce its capital by providing financial assistance, issuing shares without just consideration and paying dividends without profit[2]. However as the doctrine was complex and did not allow the organizations to properly execute their functions it was modified numerous time until a nearly perfect doctrine was achieved which could not only save the interest of the creditors but also ensure smooth functioning of the businesses. Most of the common wealth countries have included the doctrine in either common law or statues enacted by the parliament towards governing corporations The doctrine of capital maintenance has been included in the Australian law but not without changes to it. The corporation act is the main source of law which governs corporations in Australia along with common law. The legislation however allows a company to reduce its shares in certain circumstances such as issue of bonus shares, dividends, and providing financial assistance. Bonus shares are allowed to be issued by the corporation act through Section 254 A. however the legislation provides that the bonus shares can only be provided when a company makes profits[3]. In the same way the legislation has provisions for the issue of dividends through Section 254T where dividends can also be issued when a company has made profits[4]. Section 588G of the Act prevents the directors of the company to involve in trading when the company is insolvent or even when the directors have the knowledge that the company would not become insolvent if it Indulges in the act. The legislations also provi de powers to minority shareholders to exercise their powers in the annual general meetings. The directors duties which have been given through Section 180-184 of the Act makes the directors accountable for their actions. Thus the doctrine is still operating in Australia subjected to changes. References Authority, Queensland Competition. "Financial Capital Maintenance and Price Smoothing: Information Paper." (2014). Bradbury, Michael E. "Capital maintenance in a contemporary context."Browser Download This Paper(2015). Corporation Act 2001 Islam, Md Saidul. "The Doctrine of Capital Maintenance and its Statutory Developments: An Analysis."Northern University Journal of Law4 (2015): 47-55.