Monday, May 18, 2020

Francium Has the Lowest Electronegativity Value

Electronegativity is a measure of an atoms ability to attract electrons to form a chemical bond. High electronegativity reflects a high capacity to bond electrons, while low electronegativity indicates low ability to attract electrons. Electronegativity increases moving from the bottom left-hand corner of the periodic table toward the upper right-hand corner. The element with the lowest electronegativity value is francium, which has an electronegativity of 0.7. This value uses the Pauling scale to measure electronegativity. The Allen scale assigns the lowest electronegativity to cesium, with a value of 0.659. Francium has an electronegativity of 0.67 on that scale. More About Electronegativity The element with the highest electronegativity  is fluorine, which has an electronegativity of 3.98 on the Pauling Electronegativity Scale and a  valence of 1.

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